Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Christmas Storm Is Over

The Christmas storm shut things down here entirely and had everyone holed up with all roads in and out of town closed. Today was cold but beautifully calm and sunny out with no wind. I decided to beat back my cabin fever and take a post holiday trip into the outside world again. I spent a lot of time fighting the iced up guides, but the pay off was worth it with active brown trout swiping at and taking the bugger the entire time I walked the water. One fish even left the water trying to slam the bugger from below but missed. He seemed to hang in mid air over the water an extra second staring back at me on shore. It was amusing and he got cautious afterward as I could not get him to strike again. The browns were quality gem size fish, but it didn't matter as I was just glad to get outdoors in the single digit temperatures and find some willing trout.


Chris said...

that's great that you have open water up there. my secret spot here in town has iced up solid, but i did notice yesterday a new spot closer to home that is still open. i'll have to give it a try soon, as my cabin fever is getting pretty bad too.

Brandon said...

I'm in Springfield MA this week and the wind was so cold yesterday - although the actual temp said 30 degrees - the wind chill temp must have been -30.

A whole 12 pack of beer on the porch froze last night!