Even as woefully behind on the blog as I am (expect some coming historical post to catch up on the fall season), the draw of a new trip in the new year was too much to resist. I was out the door and scouting water on a day that felt down right balmy for January.
I managed to nab the sometimes elusive first fish on the fly for the 2012 season. A nice brown trout.... hopefully a good omen for the new year.
First fish of 2012 |
The first two fish hookups on the day I managed to LDR. They were nicer browns and hot dancers on the three weight. It was just an all around beautiful day to be out and about - sunny, windless and 50 degrees. I missed a few other
strikes and of course spooked out a few fish here and there. It
felt like April and all I could think about was the coming of spring. There will be more winter to come, but a few days like this sprinkled in amongst the storms will help me bide my time until the inevitable blossoms of spring.
Another pretty brown trout on the hot head leech |