My original plan for the day was to pontoon some stillwater here in the valley. It was sweltering and even with the promise of large rainbows, I could not bring myself to go out and sit under the sun on the water. It was too hot so I figured the cool of the high country was in order. As I was driving into the mountains to search for trout, a lake popped into my head that I hadn't fished yet this year. It's an easy hike in and does not require waders. This sounded good to me as I really didn't feel like getting all geared up in waders and boots. After leaving the steamy lowlands, the thought of donning all those layers was not appealing. When I arrived at the lake there was not another soul around. I had the three weight set up with the rainy hopper and a trailing royal wulff. The brook trout couldn't leave either of the flies alone. During the time I had on the tandem the hopper seemed a little more preferred. Eventually I broke off on a fish at the hopper and went to a single royal wulff which kept producing well. The fish are beautiful little gems but this lake is overrun with brookies and they could actually use some harvest here. When Dad is out this fall I think we will keep a few of these for a shore lunch or dinner. I headed home as an orange tinted full moon rose through the haze created by the California wild fires.
These brookies are each beautiful hues of color

Another lake view
Beautiful lake and fish! Sam
Indeed, I won't hesitate to take some brook trout, knowing they are delicious and also they were introduced there for fishermen to enjoy. : )
I love little brook trout lakes that few people know about! its like your own private fishing hole, filled with some of the most creatively colored fish in the world.
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