I awoke at 5am to get started with George on a nice plains lake that has serious rainbow trout fishing right now. The fish are very hot and run and jump as if on steroids. I was fishing my three weight and it proved for quite a day of battle. George and I got into them early in the morning with a slight chop on the water. It went flat as a pancake though and they were taking caddis on top but I couldn't get a rise to a dry. So I went back subsurface and when the chop picked back up so did the fishing. Shoe and Willi showed up and so did Eric later in the day. We had a hoot hitting fish on the indicator rigs and then holding on to try to land them. Most of the fish were running a very portly 16-19 inches and Eric told me later he had a 20 incher. I picked up my first bear river strain cutthroat on the year as the G&F must have stocked some in the area lakes recently. After the bite slowed and the heat of the day approached, we took off for an afternoon at a high country lake in pursuit of some bigger brook trout and to find a few suitable for dinner. At about 9000 feet in altitude this lake is doing quite well and provided us with good action for brook trout, more cutthroats, and some very respectable rainbow trout. Shoe, Willi, and I worked different methods but all seemed to be producing fish. A great evening in the high country unfolded with the weather holding up and cooperative fish. I kept a few of the brook trout as I like them as fresh as possible. The best brookie went an even 14 inches. Tuesday ended up as a great outing that felt like two full days worth of fishing packed into a single day.
Some of the rainbows from the plains

George floating the morning calm

Shoe floating the plains

Shoe taking on a fiesty rainbow trout

Bear River Cutthroat closeup

Willi working the water

Brook trout

Shoe looking happy with the day's action

Shoe battling a brook trout

Brookie clutch for dinner
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