Saturday, May 8, 2010

Spring Ice Out Meetup

The ice is partially off some of the higher lakes now and that means the full on season of chasing big lake resident trout is almost here. I met up with Mark, Marc, and Scott to find out if the big fish could be found and we had a nice time catching up, talking fishing, drinking various beers, and generally relaxing and enjoying the day. A few trout were found here and there but the hot fishing hadn't yet materialized. At the end of the day I did hook into a nicer brown of about 20 inches which seemed like a good way to end the evening on the water. I took a walk up the hill in a short search for some Jurassic invertebrates and came away with a couple finds but nothing spectacular. It did get me up above the lake for some beautiful evening views and I caught some pretty wildflowers blooming as well.

Mark spotting fish for Marc in the calm morning water

A typical rainbow up here on one of the lakes

Mark working to the rainbows

Jake patiently waiting on us to actually catch something

The brown trout that completed my evening

Wildflowers blooming out on the hillside

What I think is a Jurassic era Camptonectes species of bivalve



looks like a very cool trip! Sam
I always love to fish with friends...

wyoflyfish said...

A very nice day afield... it was great to see these guys after a long winter.