Sunday, May 16, 2010

First Cutthroat Of 2010

Eric and I planned a trip on the plains to do a little stillwater pontooning and search for some nice rainbow trout. The fishing was excellent as the trout were targeting the reoccurring midge hatches. We were able to dial in on the big rainbows and had a wonderful day fighting and sometimes landing these brutes. The strain here is a strong, aerobatic line of fish that really have the ability to work your rod and reel combo to its limit. I only had one rainbow trout under 18 inches. Most were right at the 20 inch mark with a few 21 inchers thrown into the mix as well. This lake also has a smaller population of cutthroats and I finally managed to catch a few this year to add a cutthroat to the 2010 species list. The cutts tend to run in the 13-15 inch range right now but they should put on some good growth this summer as this lake tends to be a smorgasbord of insect life.
First fat bow of the day

My first cutthroat trout of the year

Eric fighting a rainbow

Another chunky bow

A shot of me battling a rainbow thanks to Eric and his camera

This cutt was wounded and had a clear demarcation of color at the wound line around its body. I am not sure if this was due to the sampling they conducted within the past few weeks or not.

A view towards the distant mountains

A big hen fell for the midge to end the day. She was dropping eggs in my net.

1 comment:

wyoflyfish said...

Yes, the storms have been rolling through. We had another tonight. Saturday was a complete day of rain. It has been hit or miss for water time but I am trying to fit it in when the weather cooperates.